Councilwoman At-Large
(973) 681-7155

Councilwoman Nancy Mondella has lived in Hillside for over 12 years. She brings a diverse and vibrant background with a track record of civic engagement.

Councilmember Mondella's town-wide public service began in 2010 when she successfully won a seat on the Hillside Board of Education. Ms. Mondella served on the Finance, Buildings & Grounds and Personnel Committees during her two-term tenure at the Hillside Board of Education.

Currently, Councilmember Mondella serves as the Finance Committee Chair, is a member of the Personnel Committee, and is Council representative to the Health Advisory Board.

Professionally, Mondella is a Certified Registered Nurse (CNOR) and works as the Nursing Director of the Operating Room at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick. Her educational background consists of a BSN from Long Island University in Brooklyn and a Master's in Nursing from CUNY, College of Staten Island.

Councilmember Mondella is a homeowner on Wilder Street in Hillside's Fourth Ward and is a mother and a grandmother.

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